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p1a Phu Lam Officers Late 1967

FRONT ROW: Left to Right
1LT John J. Silver, CPT John A. Perry, CPT Melvin Fowler, Cpt Edwin Naganuma, MAJ Richard Burke, LTC John C. Brown, MAJ John T. Steele, CPT Ronald Rausin, CPT James E. McAtee, 1LT Jesse Oswalt, 1LT Josef W. Rokus
BACK ROW: Left to Right
WO1 Gary D. Bright, 1LT George Sayre, WO1 Charles Schaffer, 2LT Archie G. Castle, 1LT Martin Kwiatkowsky, Jr., CW2 Clentus M. Denissen, CW2 James A. Dickerson, WO1 Robert G. Yasko, 1LT Bradley J. Bendure, WO1 Kevin P. Halley

Photo Courtesy of Joe Rokus (3/67-2/68)
p2a Phu Lam NCO's 1968/1969

Photo Courtesy of Robert Hurst (7/68-9/69)
p3a Formation

Photo Courtesy of Joe Rokus
p4a Data Relay From
"A Test For Technology"

Photo Courtesy of James Kish
p5a Technical Control From
"A Test for Technology"

Photo Courtesy of James Kish
